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Health Technology
Xiamen ITG Group′s health technology sector integrates resources in innovative development, while empowers businesses with science and technology. In the "2+2" business strategy, which focus on medical equipment supply and elderly services, collaborating with healthcare big data and health services, Xiamen ITG Group aims to build an ecosystem of big health industry with the base of 5 functional centers, in order to connect enterprises, governments, and society.
阿坝| 尚义县| 扶余县| 枞阳县| 普格县| 太康县| 武隆县| 珲春市| 嫩江县| 威信县| 博爱县| 读书| 岳阳县| 尼勒克县| 连云港市| 凭祥市| 当阳市| 循化| 肥西县| 建水县| 天全县| 洪雅县| 安徽省| 贵溪市| 罗定市| 昌江| 九江市| 万全县| 新竹县| 葫芦岛市| 河西区| 吴旗县| 龙泉市| 通化市| 鄢陵县| 大关县| 沂水县| 宜章县| 婺源县| 武宁县| 怀远县|